Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The cable guy came today

(click on the picture for more)

Hey all. Just a little update from me. I got to Savannah, moved all my stuff into an attic, got booted from the attic, moved all my stuff into a shed, got kicked out of the shed, looked in the classifieds and found the cheapest place, moved all my stuff here, cable guy came and hooked up my internet. Ok, I think you're all caught up. I really like my new place, this is an official invitation to everyone to come and visit Savannah, I guarantee you free room and board, well not board...but room.
I'm curious what everybody else's set-up looks like because everybody moved in after I left. Everybody should put up pictures of their place, I need some decorating ideas too.
(PS. In that picture above I'm sitting atop Dark Horse. The wild bronco who bucked me into traffic that fateful day months ago. I have since tamed her and made her my faithful steed.)


Blogger Brad Witty said...

that looks like a nice place. now when you say you were kicked out of those other places, were you literally kicked out? cause that would be super funny.

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool place.. so your friend gave you that bike?

12:48 PM  
Blogger chap said...

Brad-"Kicked out" may have been a tad harsh, I was informed that I was not welcome. Better?

Justin-You could say he 'gave' me the bike, you could also say that incidentally around that time I 'gave' him $200

4:02 PM  

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