Friday, November 19, 2004


I hope this never happens. A bill before congress would make it illegal to fast-forward through previews that come advertised on DVDs. I stopped going to movies because I got tired of sitting through COMMERCIALS. I don't mind previews because I like to know about new movies. But commericials drew the line for me, the first time I saw a car advertisement in the theater, I almost cried. When will the entertainment industry realize that people don't like ads. Nobody really wants to see them. When they force me to watch or look at ads, it just makes me NOT want to buy the product.

If you would like to know more about this stuff and maybe do something about it go to the Public Knowledge website.

PS - suprisingly Bill Gates is not involved.


Blogger brian smith said...

I understand where you're coming from. I just wish they weren't so foreceful with it. It seems like the RIAA and MPAA are loosing money so they go to the government for help. It's like the airline industry asking the government to make it illegal to drive so more people will fly. And plus, I pay for a DVD, that's where the revenue comes from. Any advertisements therein are just for extra cash. Like you said, you either have ads combined with free products or a subscription. Well this will give us ads and still have to pay for the product.

5:17 PM  
Blogger BBC said...

I had always heard that entertainment came after commercials, as a way to get people to see them. That doesn't have much to do with the current issue, but it goes to illustrate the mindset of the industry.

I am willing to bet the entertainment industry actually has very little to do with this bill. They don't care if you don't watch the ads, as long as the company's who pay for the ad space don't know that you don't watch them. It's the large corporate entities that are pushing this, with the entertainment industry as human shields. It's all a side effect of lobby groups and special interest organizations with their very large, very corporate wallets buying their way into the american government.

On a side note, I would be very curious as to how they would enforce this bill, and what the penalty would be. Echoing John McCain, jail couldn't be an option. So that leaves us with a fine? And I suppose they want to change the encoding on DVD's so that certain portions cannot be skipped? Eh....

12:25 AM  

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