Friday, January 21, 2005

Is God omnipotent?

Is God omnibenevolent?

Can God be both without being contradictory?


Blogger chap said...

uh oh

12:55 PM  
Blogger brian smith said...

That, my good man, is blasphemous. You should be cast away for that rediculous statement. I have never heard anything so rediculous and absurd since "I think the world is flat and the whole universe revolves around the Earth."

1:39 PM  
Blogger Brad Witty said...

that's a very funny idea, evan. to post something trivial, wait for comments, and then edit the post to make it a more important question. and yes, He can be both without being contradictory.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did the post say originally?

1:04 AM  
Blogger BBC said...

Whatever you would have wanted it to say.

5:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:03 AM  
Blogger chap said...

I wasn't going to post these because i didn't want to stifle the discussion, but i think thats already

"uh oh" =
1) open up a can of worms
2) i can barely have a face to face conversation with someone about spirituality, let alone try to type these ideas down fast enough
3) its really hard to interact on a blog because the time frame is so stretched
4) its hard for me to discuss controversial topics online, because it seems so permanent, anyone can look up what i said from this day forward, even if i changed my mind
5) my wrist hurts from working at the computer for so long

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm missing something, but Webster's list defines omnipotent as "almighty" and "having absolute power". It also defines benevolent as "organized for the purpose of doing good".

To me, based off those definitions, it's obvious that God is both. Can one not have unlimited rule and still do good? Can one not discipline and show wrath for the sake of his good will?

4:27 PM  
Blogger BBC said...

I don't know, I am not as sure as you guys seem to be.

It seems like everyone has an inherent sense of good and evil, and a lot of evil things happen, and there is not always a nice "God is teaching us" way to explain it. And it seems that if God is all-good then he would want to prevent evil. And if He is all powerful then it seems He could vanquish evil with no effort. Yet bad things happen. Tsunami's happen. Genocide happens. Maybe I am missing the connection here, but I can't see anything beneficial about things like that.

12:54 AM  
Blogger BBC said...

Erin, when jason told me about your night, I was excited at the thought of you being here even though your car was hurt. Then he finished his sentence and told me that you guys had a million free tow miles and then my mind changed into an "oh". I hope you enjoyed the concert.

I don't really know why I asked this question. Going to a private school, we were always told that God is the ultimate good, that He is omnipotent. And I think He is the ultimate good. And I think He is omnipotent. But I am having a progressively harder time thinking that He is always as good as He could be. Now I don't really have a problem with that, in my opinion God can do whatever he wants and I will still be subservient(He is God after all) but it seems to go against what I was taught. I know I believe certain things that I was taught against, I don't really adhere to the narrow view that I was taught either, and I know everyone has their own interpretation blah blah blah, but I guess the root question here is What does a Christian think? Is is un-Christian to think that God isn't always good? People of high Christian reputation have been telling me yes, but not telling my why.

11:30 AM  

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