Tuesday, February 22, 2005

i love math.

I was on my way to class this morning, when staring out the window of the top deck of the bus I was struck with a math problem. It was inspired by some colorful apartment building doors facing the street. This is not a difficult problem, and it doesn't require any complex operations. This is not necessarily a challenge, however the first person to give me the correct answer will have the claim to fame, and receive the title "Math Virtuoso" to add to the end of their name. I'm not a great story problem writer, but all the necessary information is there. Here it is:

You are a flower delivery person attempting to deliver a bushel of begonias to an old customer. This is going to be a difficult task, but you'll be paid handsomely so that you may buy that new dining set you've had your eyes on.
The only information that you have been given is that the apartment is located on Vine St. and that the apartment is the exact middle door of the complex. The Vine St. apartments are all located on ground level in a single row, and are all evenly spaced. Unfortunately they stretch for 51 miles. The entire length of the street is filled with apartments, but they do not exceed 51 miles. Starting with the first apartment on the end, they are labeled A, B, C, D, etc. until you get to the end of the alphabet, then they are labeled AA, BB, CC, DD, etc. continuing on in this fashion to triple letters, etc. The first apartment is labeled A, but the last apartment is not given. The width of each door is 3'9", and there are 8' between the closest edges of each door.
In order to complete this delivery, you must find out if there is, a middle door, or if the old hag was playing a practical joke on you. If there is a middle door, what is it labeled?

***Ok, there's been an alteration to the problem. CHAP SOLVED THE ORIGINAL PROBLEM in about 2 minutes (after asking me how many letters there were in the alphabet), and he deserves all the credit for it. However, I didn't realize how easy the problem was when I posted it, and I want to tickle your brain bone. This is a slightly NEW problem that requires more work because some numbers have been changed. Sorry Chap for stealing your thunder, but I'm sure that brain of yours could use more of a challenge. Chap gets the original deal, "math extraordinaire" added to his name***


Anonymous Anonymous said...

josh. i already said, this is a new problem. chap solved the first one. he is math extraordinaire. don't get your bibbs in a wad. i just forgot to make a new title for this problem. its been updated.

bolley, good attempt, but that is incorrect. i have triple checked and can show my work. you're on the right track

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh jason, you are the height of just-too-muchery.

8:45 PM  
Blogger brian smith said...

I think you're right packse. I tried working on it for a little while but none of the numbers came out even and I had to round and blah blah blah.

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the numbers don't have to come out even. since your are mostly dealing with length, the first few decimal places can be converted into inches. if your running into decimals when dealing with the alphabet, you cant have part of a letter, so you have to round. 441 S's is wrong by the way.

7:35 AM  
Blogger brian smith said...

Even if you are working with inches it still doesn't come out even. 141 inches from door to door. 269280 feet total. OR 3231360 inches. so 3231360/141 = 22917.44681 doors. You can't round off doors. So basically you have about 63 inches that is unaccounted for. It is a very clever riddle however you really should have spent some time making sure it makes sense.

11:36 AM  
Blogger chap said...

i have decided to take myself out of this round of the math challenge. Just to give the rest a chance. If you would like advice from a certified "Math Virtuoso" it is available for $2.99 a minute from myself.

11:40 AM  
Blogger BBC said...

This rounding is getting out of hand.

Jason, how much would it cost for you to kick the riddle giver in the pants?

2:15 PM  
Blogger chap said...

jason, i will deposit $1.76 in a paypal fund towards buying you a plane ticket to the uk for a quick crotch kickin to the china kid.

3:14 PM  
Blogger brian smith said...

How about a football to the crotch?

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Even if you are working with inches it still doesn't come out even. 141 inches from door to door. 269280 feet total. OR 3231360 inches. so 3231360/141 = 22917.44681 doors. You can't round off doors. So basically you have about 63 inches that is unaccounted for. It is a very clever riddle however you really should have spent some time making sure it makes sense."

yes you can round off doors. you round down. the problem says that "The entire length of the street is filled with apartments, but they do not exceed 51 miles" meaning that if at the very end of the street you cannot fit another door without going over exactly 51 miles, then you round down, and will have space unaccounted for. maybe that wasn't explained clearly enough. i told you i wasn't very good at writing story problems, but it is solvable.

as for you hoodlums that are callin all the crotch kickin, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves for giving up so easily and depriving your brain of some exercise for childish tom foolery and mind rotting nintendo games.

6:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we have a winner: after working it through just one more time, i realized once again why i'm an art major and why everyone here is better at math than me. i am an idiot. the answer is 441 R's and since official posts are all that matters, Erin Bolley is to go forth into this world as Erin Bolley, Math Virtuoso. by the power vested in me by queen elizabeth II, this is your new full legal name and will be required on all legal documents.

6:35 AM  
Blogger BBC said...


I can't really believe it. But at the same time, I don't really expect anything else.

Nice job, anyway.

3:14 PM  

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