Tuesday, November 02, 2004


So Justin Jason and I were talking about voting. (no I didn't vote, im a bad american) Anyway Justin commented on how Oregon has internet voting. He thought that it was a bad idea. I dont want to type what he said, because I don't want to misquote him, and I'd rather him say it.I think it is a good idea. More people will vote if it is more conveneint. (Jason said he waited for an hour. ) I think that the more people voting, the more accurate the results are going to be and the better chance that we choose the right guy for the job. Anybody else...

PS - Go Nader.


Blogger Brad Witty said...

Voting isn't convenient because it takes an hour maybe? Come on, Brian. I know I wouldn't want to look back on one of the most important elections in our history and say that I didn't wanna take an hour out of my day to participate. Also, I'd say that a lot of the people that voted anyway already have internet access. It's probably more of the people that are on the poorer side of the digital divide that didn't vote. Therefore, there's gotta be a better solution than internet voting (not to mention, that would have to be the most ridiculously secure site ever known to man).

Looking at the popular vote tallies, I think it's very sad that only about 110 million people voted yesterday, when close to 300 million live in this country. Come on, people, Puffy said vote or die! Do you wanna die?

10:51 AM  
Blogger brian smith said...

Brad, this isnt about me. I never said I didn't vote because it was inconvienent. I have my own reasons. But how could internet voting NOT be more convienent? Right, I think it really isn't that much hassle going and voting and it taking an hour, but I'm sure there are people that do. And this benifits them.

11:38 AM  
Blogger BBC said...

I will never support internet voting. In my mind, it is to serious a matter to leave to such security issues. There would be no greater rush than hacking into and messing with an election, and no matter of security precautions would protect it from being hacked at some point. I think the real answer lies in having more voting locations, faster voting, quicker turnover, and the like. People in Ohio waited for over 4 hours to vote. Voting shouldn't be a chore.

1:02 PM  

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