Monday, August 16, 2004

Aaaaaaah Awkward

Man, something really awkward happened to me today. I was filling out an application at Jason's Deli (no, not Jason Graham's Deli, I'd never work there). When I got done filling it out, I walked up to the manager. He held out his hand at about the right height for a handshake, and he was holding it that way too. Now in a split second, I had to decide if he wanted to shake my hand to introduce himself, or to take my application. So I went for the handshake. He had wanted the application. So I should a fish basically, and he smiled uncomfortably. Man, I hate that. I wish I could say that that was the only time that's ever happened, too, but it' not. So, let's open up the floor. What's the most most recent awkward or uncomfortable thing that's happened to you?


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